Oh my word… where to start with this bezonkingly beautiful wedding’s blog post?! This was one STUNNING wedding, with a STUNNING couple and in a STUNNING setting!
I think I’ll end it there…
Ok, I’m only joking (about ending there- not the bezonkily beautiful part )
Alicia and Dewald met for the first time at a Retief Burger Worship weekend that was held at Laatson in Porterville- the very place that they then got married! How special is that?
They are an amazing couple who are unpretentious, caring, people-orientated, and just really fun to be with! When I left the wedding I felt as if I had known Dewald and Alicia my whole life- thats the kind of warm, friendly people they are!
God really blessed this day with the most amazing weather, scenery and oh my goodness…talk about the sunset! Wow! I had such fun at this wedding and even more fun editing it afterwards!
Dankie Alicia en Dewald vir n wonderlike dag wat ons kon deurbring saam met julle! Julle liefde vir God skyn deur alles wat julle doen, en hoe julle met mense werk- en selfs met mekaar! Dit is so spesiaal!
Hoop julle hou van hierdie! Blessings xxx

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