Oh my, was this an eventful weekend! When I was driving though to Wolseley the friday before the wedding to do some location scouting with this amazing couple, it was bucketing down with rain and I started getting a bit worried! BUT we wouldn’t let some silly rain stop us from doing what we needed to. So Dewald, Marike and I set off in the late afternoon/early evening to drive around the farm to find the perfect spot for the couple shoot the next day! It was only when we started skiding down the hill were we were scouting on, did we realise how serious the rainfall had been. In turning the vehicle around, a devilish wire decided it would delve into the deepest parts of the tyre and leave us with a ridiculously big puncture! With much haste we saw that we needed to get out of there VERY quickly. Only what comes down can’t go back up…(well not if it is a vehicle who’s tyres are spinning in thick layers of mud!) There we were. Stuck, in the mud up a hill… in the rain… at night. Great!
I missioned through the bush to get back to the venue to go look for help but alas none was found because everyone had already left! What to do now…? I made my way back through the bushes to Dewald and Marike who like the champion team they are had in the meantime found another path downhill and had (what seemed to me) started driving away from me! But luckily they didn’t leave me there! Picked me up and dropped me back off at the hotel I was staying at before rushing to their braai. But the car trouble stories don’t end there!
Saturday morning (it was still raining heavily) I drove through to Ceres to photograph Marike at Anuk Hair Salon. It was raining, misty and dangerous on the road so like a good driver I switched on my lights to increase visibilty. In my head I am saying to myself, “Lindy you better not leave your lights on! Imagine having to jump start your car when you need to be at shooting a wedding! That would be terrible!”
What happens? Lindy gets a phonecall as she gets out the car and forgets to switch off her lights and the battery dies, and it WAS terrible! When I discovered this I sheepishly had to go back to the Salon and ask if anyone had jumper cables. They didn’t. So there we were, photographer and bride walking around Ceres on a saturday morning at 10:30 looking for jumper cables! What a joke! Having found some, I am proud to say us ‘fist-time-ever-jump-starting-a-car-on-their-own-chicks’ got the car started! From there fortunetly car troubles stopped and the rain started lifting- what an answered prayer! And what resulted was the most amazing day for Marike and Dewald’s wedding!
I absolutely love this couple! Through all of the car trouble, we had a great laugh! Marike and Dewald were so chilled and relaxed the whole weekend and are really SUCH great people to be around! I only realised when we met up for the planning session that they were also in my Church! Their wedding was very special, celebrated by friends and family who came from far to watch them make their wholehearted commitment to each other before God and all who were present. I had so much fun photographing this wedding- the setting was just so beautiful too!
Dewald and Marike- so baie dankie vir n wonderlike tyd! Julle geloof en liefde is n testimony vir almal om julle! blessings x

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