This is such a freaking cool couple! I really enjoyed every moment with these two fun and absolutely adorable people!
Now for those who don’t know me and my funny sleeping hours- I struggle to wake up in the morning- especially if it is before 8! But on this particular day I patted myself on the back for waking up BEFORE the sun came up and being ready for it when it peeked over the Simonsberg mountain! I met Charles and Liza along the Devon valley road early one Saturday morning so that we could do their e-shoot. Between the 3 of us, I don’t think any of us were fans of waking up early in the cold. So maybe 3 pats on the backs are in order here! BUT having said that- the light made it all worth it, and we got some really cool shots in the stunning Stellenbosch Canola fields!
Charles en Liza- ek het julle so baie geniet! Dankie vir ‘n heerlike oggend! Sien uit na julle trou dag! blessings x

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