I’ve mentioned before that the wind has been rather queer this summer, but at Andre and Marzaan’s wedding, I think it reached the limits of extreme. Nothing like I have ever experienced before! The wind was so bad, that one struggled to walk upright, the roof of the restaurant next door to the venue blew off and door’s were literally blown off of their hinges! It was crazy, it was hectic and it was unpleasant…but the wind couldn’t get Andre and Marzaan’s spirits down. This stunning couple were in love, and they were getting married- nothing was going to stand in their way of enjoying their big day!
For the couple shoot photo’s we tried to find some shelter from the elements, and Bosman’s wine farm, next door to Kleinevalleij were so kind as to let us use their cellar and garage area to take some pics away from the crazy weather. I love being around this couple! They are so much fun to work with and make the best of every situation! And man do they make pretty photo’s! :)
Apart from the stunning couple, the gorgeous decor,working with great service providers such as Alicia Buckle, Malita Joubert and Goosebump productions… another thing that made this wedding so great to be at were the guests! It was so nice to see so many familiar faces- and it appears that Andre and Marzaan only know cool, fun people who know how to enjoy a wedding! I was smiling and giggling most of the evening just observing how much fun everyone was having!
Andre en Marzaan, Ek weet die Here het groot planne vir julle en dat julle so gelukkig saam gaan wees! Dankie vir die voorreg om julle pragtige dag te kon afneem! Julle is ‘n beeldskone paartjie, ‘n klomp lekker mense en ‘n blessing vir almal om julle! Alles van die beste! blessings xxx

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