I met Inge and Ryno for the first time when I did their engagement shoot earlier on in the year. From the onset one could tell they are a genuine, down to earth couple who had grown tremendously in love with one another- something that not even the great distance between them could stop. For most of their relationship they had been dating long distance but now the lovely Inge has now joined her husband in Copenhagen, so skype calls are something of the past!
These two stunning people got married at Muldersvlei, surrounded by friends from near and afar who came to celebrate the start of their new life together. A whole host of which had come from as far as Denmark and the Netherlands. The day was really a celebration and the energy of the couple carried over to the guests who danced up a storm later in the evening. Muldersvlei had the yummiest food that I had had at a wedding in a long time- wow, my mouth waters just at thinking back to their yummy chocolate pudding and home-made ice-cream! All round it was such a pleasure being part of their big day and being able to witness the strong love between them.
Inge en Ryno mag die Here jul liefde net al hoe sterker laat groei en mag julle elke dag meer verlief raak op mekaar en op Hom. Baie blessings en groot Suid Afrikaanse drukkies! Alles van die beste vir julle lewe in Denemark! xxx

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