On this particularly beautiful day, my car decided to let me down twice. Firstly it wouldn’t start in the morning- resulting in my having to go buy jumper cables to jump it. When it eventually did start, I drove through to Bloubergstrand to go do some location scouting before I needed to start taking pics. When I arrived at the Atlantic Beach Golf Estate, I did an incredibly stupid thing and locked my keys in my car. Yup, big slap on the forehead for stupidity. Especially because I only had 30min before I had to start shooting the decor- and lets be serious, I don’t know how to break into cars. Let alone my own!
The receptionists at the Golf club where so friendly and helpful, and in a no time, they had found someone to come help this poor chick get the keys out of her car. Anyhoo, 35 min later, and after I had started frantically looking for second options of driving my spare keys from Stellies. The team of now, 4 security guards and golf caddys managed to pop open my door and retrieve my keys. I could rush off and start taking pics like I had planned originally!
As chaotic as my day started, none of this chaos was even remotely reflected by the bride and her bridesmaids when I arrived at Suzanne’s parents house. They were as calm and relaxed as anything, and it was such a pleasure slotting in to their happy mood!
Suzanne made such a beautiful bride and the big smile on Diaan’s face as he saw her coming down the aisle was evidence enough of this!
This is a fun, dynamic and loving couple- who have a genuine gift with working with people! Relaxed and down to earth, they made my job an absolute pleasure. Suzanne en Diaan mag julle ‘n fantastiese huwelik he vol van God se oneindige genade, liefde en vreugde! Blessings xxx

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