Jacques and Maryke are married! Whoop Whoop! These are two of the coolest, friendliest, funnest and genuinely nice people you will ever meet- and I get to call them my friends!
This gorgeous couple have got a very special place in my heart and when I heard that they were getting married my heart did a little happy dance! I know in the blog I wrote for their engagement shoot photo’s (to view click here) I said that doing a shoot with them is more than anything just a good visit with friends, with a camera in my hand! And I got to experience this joy again on a beautiful wine farm called Allesverloren in Riebeeck West in the beginning of Feb, when these two hearts were joined together as one.
Two words stand out for me for this couple’s wedding…blessed and grateful. Surrounded by people who they love and who love them, the day was a celebration of God’s goodness and grace, and of a love that will withstand anything because it is built on The Rock. From beginning to end- it was a blessed occasion, and these two beautiful people have the most grateful and humble hearts, expressing their gratitude to all who were there.
Jark en Maryks, julle is cool en goeters! Dankie vir julle vriendskap en al die lekker saam lag! Mag julle aanhou jul liggies laat skyn in hierdie donker wereld- julle lewens en liefde is ‘n wonderlike getuienis vir almal om julle! Baie lief vir julle! Blessings xxx

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