When Elizmari and JR came down from Nelspruit for a visit in the Cape, and for their engagement shoot- I don’t think they were anticipating such a work out! Then again, neither did I! Coming all the way from Mpumalanga for the shoot- I thought we’d go to the beach in order to give them something different than they would find inland. So we headed off to Kogelbaai, a beautiful beach just other side Gordons bay. (Yes, the one where all the sharks are. ) Somehow in my mind though, the distance from the main beach to Surfers Haven was tiny, literally spitting distance. It turns out its not and poor JR and Elizmari were in for a bit of a bare foot hike over rocks! But they were gracious enough not to shout at me and call me a crazy mountain lady who made them walk entirely too far for these photo’s, which I think, if I was them- I probably would have done!
Elizmari en JR dankie dat julle so gewillig was om te doen wat ek van julle gevra het- hopelik is die foto’s die moeite werd! Dankie vir ‘n lekker tydjie- sien julle in Augustus!

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