What a stunning, stunning couple! Inside and out! Graeme and Carmen are such endearing people to be around, with gentle hearts that have a massive capacity to love.
Graeme and Carmen tied the knot at the elegant Nantes estate near Paarl, on a moody, rainy day. Poor Carmen was checking the weather channel the whole time to see whether they would be able to have the ceremony outside as was planned. Unfortunately Mr Weatherman was not keen to play along and they had to move the ceremony inside onto the dance floor upstairs. But the rain could not dampen their spirits and Graeme and Carmen just kept on smiling and enjoying their big day!
A big thank you must be said to this gorgeous couple who missioned through a bit of a grass swamp to get to the dam where we did most of the couple shoot. Just as we were about to finish the shoot, a sudden shower came down and between Graeme, Carmen, Craig (the videographer), Lindy Kriek (my assistant) and myself we were sharing 2 umbrella’s- which unfortunately didn’t provide the necessary shelter and we got a bit wet!
But being the amazing clients that they are, Graeme and Carmen did not once complain! Which I probably would have done if it was my wedding day! :) Thanks again guys- you were amazing!
May your marriage be an incredibly blessed one- filled with Gods abundant love, grace and peace!
Dankie Lindy K vir al jou hulp op die dag- jy’t my werk baie makliker gemaak!

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