What a memorable wedding this was! Memorable for a few reasons. Firstly it was the day that South Africa lost to Japan in the Rugby World cup (lets not dwell on that embarrassing fact for too long). Secondly, I think I will forever remember this wedding as the one where I dropped my brand new camera on it’s head. In the chaos of capturing important shots there was a thud. Bits went flying. Screen shattered. (You know all the things you typically don’t want to happen to your brand new camera, happened.) Not my best moment!
And then thirdly, because this is the day that Mauritz’s pick up line to Rozanne when they first met, eventually came true. When he introduced himself as Mauritz Lamprecht, he told Rozanne she’d better practice his surname because one day it will be hers. #smooth #itcametrue #idon’tknowwhyIamhashtagging #thisisnotinstagram
Anyhoo… And there they were 2 years later, in love, saying “I do”, surrounded by all their favorite people in one room. And as true as bob, Rozanne is now Mrs Lamprecht! And what a strickingly gorgeous bride she made!
Rozanne en Mauritz- mag die Here julle oorweldig met Sy goedheid en julle huwelik buite gewoon baie seen. Julle is fantastiese mense en dit was so ‘n groot voorreg om julle troue te kon af neem. Julle lyk pragtig saam en ek weet hulle huwelik gaan gaan van krag tot krag. Dankie vir ‘n heerlike dag saam- dit was ‘n fees om saam met julle te werk!
Baie liefde en blessings! :)
Aan Ruan my assistent vir die dag, dankie vir al jou hulp en dat jy my kamera opgetel het en letterlik “damage control” gedoen het. Waardeer dit opreg!! :)

Service Providers
- Venue and Catering: Goudini Spa |
- Videography: Guava Graphics |
- Hair and Make up: Carin Blom and Elana Hugo |
- DJ: DJ Dean |
- Photographic Assistant: Ruan Smit |
- Jewellery and bridal details: Carlize Bam |
Die fotos is asemrowend mooi!
So so beautiful!!! wow