Isn’t this family just too gorgeous for words? Natasha contacted me last year to find out if she could assist me at a wedding. As it where I needed an assistant for Maretha and Daniels wedding, and so Natasha, already a few months preggies(!), came to help me.
Being a photographer too, she never quite gets to be in pictures herself. So with Joshua growing up so quickly, Her and Alten decided it would be a good idea to have a family photo shoot done sooner rather than later.
Little Joshua is one of the happiest kids I have ever come across, and was just a darling the whole way through the shoot not once giving a squeak until right at the end, when the air was getting a little cool and he was hungry. Seeing the total adoration that they all have for one another really warms the heart.
May your family continue to be blessed and happy, and may your love for one another provide so much security and stability for Joshua (and any other little ones to follow ;) ). You guys are beautiful together!
Thanks to to Tash for assisting me on the day and for being a great babysitter whilst I was busy taking pics of Alten and Natasha alone. :)

Sjoe Lindy, ongelooflik mooi!! Stunning shots en die lig…sjoe!