This couple is one that is very close to my heart, and their wedding day reminded me again of just how special family is and how lucky we are to have them. Jonty is my second cousin, but over the years has become more like a (naughty) younger brother to me. Yis, this man is mischievous- but such good fun! Love him to bits! Alexandra, his gorgeous new wife is an amazing woman and takes such good care of him. (So good to have you in the family Alex!)
It wouldn’t be a true farm wedding if friends, family and neighbors didn’t jump in and contribute where they could. From my immediate family a MC, caterer, pastor, photographer and groomsman were sourced. Alex’s dad, Lex, brewed a beer especially for the wedding called “the Buck and Boar”. The name originating from the two elements found on both the Truter and Mitchell family crests. It was great seeing how everyone chipped in- creating an amazing sense of community.
Poor Alex accidentally ingested some peanuts during the canapes, which she is highly allergic to! So most of the couple shoot we spent frantically running around looking for her Asthma pump, which we didn’t find. One wouldn’t say by looking at the photo’s she was feeling horribly ill would you? She was such a trooper! Well done Al :)
To Jonts and Alex- what a special privilege to be a part of your day. Thank you! I love you both so much and wish only the best for your married life together. May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and in his grace gave us unfailing courage and a firm hope, encourage you and strengthen you to always do and say what is good. (2 Thessalonians 2:16) May your love grow deeper and deeper as you draw nearer and nearer to Him.
Sending lots of love and blessings xxxx

Absolutley stunning bride and a very handsome groom.
These are gorgeouS photos. Wish we could of been there. Congratulations tO the both of you.
Love your Cousin
Lindy, Lindy, These are stunning photos. I take my hat off to you girl and salute you. you are the best. you took images that i WOULDN’T even have dreamed of (even with photo shop!) thank you for the professional job well done. you rock my boat!!!!
love di xxx