“The strongest people are those backed by a loving family.”
The last time I saw the Ashbolts was in 2014 when we met up in Stellies for a family shoot. Madison was still a wee little toddler back then, and now 6 years later has grown up to into the sweetest and loving little lady. Life has not always been kind to the Ashbolts, and over the last few years they had to battle Leandrie’s cancer as a family. In celebration of ceased treatments, they decided to commemorate the time with a family shoot. We had planned the shoot some time ago, but finally in level 2 an opportunity opened up for me to travel to the Cape- and we did the shoot amongst fields of blooming Canola!
To Chris, Leandrie and Madison- what a joy to see you guys again and catch up! Gosh, I have a special place in my heart for you guys as a family and pray that the Lord continues to guide and strengthen you no matter what life’s challenges may be. Thank you for being who you are, and for loving one another the way you do. My prayer for you is from Roamns 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”
Sending all my love xxx

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