I have often been stealthy at shoots, but never this “hide-yourself-in-camo-behind-a-bush-and-get-coverered-with-branches-and-wait-in-secret” type of stealthy! But it was all to capture the very special moment Jacques asked his gorgeous Lena to be Mrs du Toit! The momentous occasion happened on our family farm in the Karoo on Boxing day.
A few of us went the day before to scout out locations on the farm, and to figure out a timeline for the big day’s proceedings- and of course to find a spot for me to hide so that Lena had no idea the whole thing was being caught on camera. Christmas day was a cool and overcast day which made the view of the first set of photo’s absolutely gorgeous. We found a bush which would hide me well enough to get this angle. The next day however, turned out to be a scorcher with the sun blazing down in the wrong direction for what we had planned. But by then there was no backing out. The couple were on their way and I had to remain hidden stealthily, and keep as quite as possible whilst shooting as much as possible. Being paparazzi in the Karoo summer heat is no joke I tell you! hehe!
After the couple had left to go share the exciting news with family, I crawled out of my hide and made my way back home to freshen up for the second half of the shoot…the golden hour couple session. And wowsers, are these two not just the prettiest pair together???
My darling husband was left to the assisting duties and driving up and down the road to make enough dust for the photo’s! Dankie my lief!
To Berta, Andrew and the rest of the famdamily who made sure all of this was a big secret for Lena- thank you and well done!
Aan Jacques and Lena, wow- wat ‘n groot voorreg om deel te kon wees van hierdie spesiale oomblik in jul lewens! Mag julle verlowing, en jul huwelik gevul wees met die Here se genade, liefde, vreugde, waarheid, vrede en baie lekker avonture saam. My gebed vir julle kom uit Kollesense 3:16-17: “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. ”
Alles van die beste met die res van die beplanning en reelings tref! Baie liefde en groete, Lindy xxx

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