“Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life.” –Lisa Weed
So I haven’t blogged in a gazillion years, and I am so far behind with my blogposts it’s not even a joke anymore. It seems life with a toddler is a lot busier than I had anticipated, and gives me zero to no time to do any posting on social media…which for my business is probably a bad thing, but in the bigger picture of life, and of precious time well spent- I am not all that gutted. But one has to start somewhere I guess- and what better place than with this gorgeous family and their recent shoot at Kabeljauws beach?
A.M., Danielle en Zak- baie dankie vir ‘n wonderlike tyd saam julle, en dankie dat julle SO vroeg uit Kirkwood gery het om betyds te wees vir die sonsopkoms in Jeffries! Julle is ‘n kosbare gesinnetjie en ek is mal daaroor om te sien hoe mooi en saggies julle werk met Zak en hoe lief hy is vir jul altwee. Mag die Here julle gesin nog baie seën en baie jare spaar. Geniet die spesiale herinneringe van hierdie kosbare seisoën in julle lewens.
Baie liefde en groete, Lindy

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