I don’t know who watched the weather more, me or Angelique? But the ever changing weather (which oscillated between terrible winds and rain) made for lots of back and forth messaging during the week, and had us all wondering about whether we would actually be able to do the shoot or not. But then Saturday arrived, and we could not have asked for a more perfect, warm, and wind still evening to do the shoot. It was amazing!
Andre, Angelique and Brandon live in Christiana, but came down to Jeffrey’s Bay for a week long holiday. And whilst in the holiday mode- had some new family photo’s taken. Little Brandon is the cutest little chap who gave me the most adorable smile when he greeted me. But then he remembered he was teething, and decided to make us work really hard for any further smiles the rest of the shoot! :D
Aan Andre en Angelique- mag die oulike mannetjie julle nog baie vreugde bring, en mag die Here jul wysheid en genade gee in hoe julle hom grootmaak. Mag hy altyd weet hoe baie julle hom lief het en mag sy kinderdae vol lekker lag, leer, en liefde gevul wees.
Blessings vir julle xxx

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