“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one’s youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate.”
– Psalm 127:3-5 –
What a privilege and joy to be invited into a family’s home to capture special moments as they transpire before my camera. And if you know the Van Schalkwyks, and what lovely people they are, you’ll know what a blessed time I had documenting them with the newest addition to their little family, Lisa.
Although I took a gazillion other images and most of them in colour- when I was picking my favourite images for the blogpost, they all ended up being black and white! Whoops- how did that happen? But I just love the feel that black and white gives to these moments, so I’ve decided to keep this ‘n monochrome post.
De Necker en Cara- julle gesinnetjie is pragtig en julle is baie goeie ouers! Nina, Daniël en Lisa is baie bevoorreg om julle te he as hulle mamma en pappa. Dankie vir die voorbeeld wat julle is, en hoe julle mekaar lief het- en die beste uit mekaar uit bring. Mag die kinders julle nog baie vreugde bring en Mag die Here julle die wysheid, liefde en genade gee om hulle groot te maak vir Sy glorie!
baie liefde en groot drukkies xxxx

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