They say moving in one of the top 3 most stressful life events that can take place in your life. Packing up your old life as you knew it, greeting your friends and family (and familiarity) and then starting anew in a new town with new faces and new places. And boy can I tell you that the move from Jeffreys bay to Riversdale was super stressful for us at the end of last year, packing up the house with two kiddos (who don’t make any easier I can assure you), in between having Christmas festivities with family, doing last minute shoots, being sick and sorting out admin with the moving company. I was finished.
Then arrived in Riversdale and got stuck into unpacking the mountains of boxes piled up in our amazing new house. Looking rather horrid from all the lack of sleep and unpacking- the last thing I expected was a knock on the door. Who could this be? We know no one here?
And into our lives popped the Van Niekerk’s. The most endearing and welcoming little family, who brought us a bottle of wine and came to make us feel at home in this new place. Somari is an absolute ray of sunshine; Johan cool calm and collected; Andreas, a complete extrovert (and hander out of hugs); and Grove a happy go lucky kid that doesn’t want to miss out on any of the action.
Van Niekerk’s- julle is lekker mens hoor! Ons geniet julle baie en is so dankbaar vir julle hier op Oakdale. Mag die Here julle gesinnetjie so baie seen, en mag julle altyd hom bly soek in al julle weë. liefde, L

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