I had the wonderful oppurtunity of meeting Anchin and Al, the day before their beautiful (and freezing cold) wedding day at Mont Rochelle, Franschhoek. They are two very talented business people with BIG hearts and a great love for life! I was very touched by their heart to encourage and inspire young entrepreneurs and artists such as myself!
Alasdair is Scottish and his beautiful bride a local South African, but they now live in Dubai. With the guests coming from all over the world and the weather being more Scottish than South African- one couldn’t help but feel as if you were in another country! I loved hearing all the different accents, especially the Irish and Scottish ones! We managed to brave the miserable weather for about 5 minutes for the couple shoot before it started raining and we were forced to go back inside! But once at the reception- it didn’t take long for the party to get started and soon everyone was on their feet dancing to the Swenfm’s music!
Anchin and Al- it was so lovely meeting you! Thank you for the great time spent sharing your beautiful day! You are wonderful people and I thorougly enjoyed the time learning from your great business experience and picking up new ideas! All the best!
Thanks too to my lovely assistant Natasha- you were great!

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