There is so much to say about this wedding, and I don’t think the english language can sum it up quite as nicely and effectively as the afrikaans one does when I say that: “Die was een lekker troue met lekker mense!”
Christo and Yolandi are such friendly and welcoming people, who immediately make one feel at ease and comfortable around them. I walked into this wedding as a photographer and service provider and walked out as a friend to a wonderful couple who are lots of fun to be around! What a blessing!
This cute pair tied the knot at Meerendal wine farm in Durbanville on a gloriously overcast day. The rain was a constant threat though and towards the end of the couple shoot we were forced to seek cover from the spitting rain! But the weather didn’t get these two love birds under and we managed to finish the shoot without too much hinderance from the weather man!
Christo en Yolandi- mag julle vriendskap en liefde vir mekaar aanhou groei in Papa God, en mag julle nooit daai vreugde verloor nie! Bly net so awesome soos julle is! Baie blessings!
Dankie ook aan my betroubare assistent Adel- jy is awesome soos altyd!

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