What a phenomenal little family! Such special people that God placed together to look after and love and care for one another. Mariette and Pieter are such great parents, who have the most amazing ability to work with their kids and it was so good watching them interact with them! God really knew what he was doing when he placed Daniel and Ami, in the care of these kind and wonderfully gifted parents! Some of my favourite moments from the shoot were when Daniel released the balloons and then started crying when he realised what he had done. The look on his face was too priceless! The other was listening to Ami greeting the balloons, with “Baai, baai ballon!” as they took off into the blue sky. And lastly is getting hugs from these two precious little souls when we said hello and goodbye!
My dear friend Maryke works for the Carstens and came along to help me with the shoot! Was so lovely to see how the kiddies adore her and how good she is with them too.
Mariette en Pieter- dankie vir die geleentyd om bietjie tyd saam jul gesin te spandeer! Ek weet God is besig om in ‘n ongelooflike manier te werk in jul gesin en my gebed is dat julle aanhou sy liefde, vrede en genade sal ervaar! Julle is regtig waar sulke lekker en liefdevolle mense en ek het die shoot saam jul dierbare gesin vreeslik baie geniet! Blessings xxx

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