Johan and Yolandi got married at the gorgeous Rozendal 401 on the Polkadraai road just outside Stellenbosch. This was such a unique venue with joint elements of modern and rustic, that oddly work really well together! The venue’s design is as a result of the construction on an agricultural roof structure to protect the one hundred year old shed that was on the farm. Not only is the venue stunning but the surrounding views were just incredible! Being spoilt for choice with different places we could go on the farm for the couple shoot, I spazzed out a bit on the photo’s and ended up racing poor Johan and Yolandi around to get the shots! These are two warm, friendly and genuinely, freaking nice people! They met through the workings of Yolandi’s mom’s match making skills. Johan is a teacher and works at the same school as Yolandi’s mom. Yolandi’s mum, being so impressed with this “ordentlikke mannetjie’s” manners and down to earth demeanour knew that he would make a wonderful husband for her lovely daughter. Yolandi at first thought that her mom was being silly and just matchmaking things for the sake of it. However after meeting Johan she started seeing it differently and here they are now, married and very much in love!
Johan en Yolandi- so baie dankie vir ‘n wonderlike tyd saam julle! Jul troue was ‘n stunning ene vir my en dit is so lekker om te sien hoe mooi julle met mekaar werk, sovel as die mense om julle! Mag julle huwelik ‘n geseende ene wees vol goeie tye, fantastiese herinneringe en emmers vol liefde en vreugde! So baie dankie ook vir my wonderlike geskenk! Dit was sulke lekker verassing en ek druk nou als vol met my oulike kamera stamp! Julle is die beste! xxx

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