Rebecca is one of my really good friends from school and she recently got married to to the love of her life, Henk. To be asked to do their photo’s was a massive privilege and honour, and to meet the rest of their friends and family was such a pleasure too. Rebecca has a beautiful and intimate relationship with the Lord, and I have always be in awe of her ability to hear His voice. With a faith strong enough to move mountains, and a serenity that is deeply instilled- she is able to remain steadfast and calm through some of the most trying times. She is remarkably talented, kind, quirky, funny, eccentric and the good kind of weird. :) In short, she is one of a kind. And I’ve always known that Becks’ love story would also be as wonderful and unique as she is. In other words- nothing short of divine! And so it was… Rebecca was accepted for a music scholarship in Austria- but had difficulty in getting the needed visa to go. These administration complications eventually lead to her paths crossing with Henk. A South African lad, who immigrated to Austria and was divinely placed not only to help her get the visa needed for the country, but also to be her husband.
Here is her story:
“Why meet an Afrikaans boy in Stellenbosch if you can meet him in Salzburg? Well, it was the Lord who had different plans for me. In fact the first time I ‘met’ Henk was over the phone in my parents’ sitting room in Plett. He had offered to help me (just a fellow South African stranger at the time) with my visa for Austria. I answered the call, and heard a very intriguing (and rather sexy) sounding voice on the line. Not only was his accent (a unique blend of American and South African) difficult to place, but there was no “Henk Bosch” to be stalked and found on Face Book – no face to match this curious voice. So meaty tale, made slightly leaner: I got to Salzburg (if it hadn’t been for Henk’s help with my visa, I’m sure I wouldn’t have made it there), I got to behold the very sweet and handsome face of the man with the sexy voice, and slowly but surely, I fell in love with his tender heart.”Henk is the kind of man I’ve always hoped for and imagined myself with. I dreamed of being with someone who is creative, eccentric and above all, loves Jesus more than anything else. And yet, Henk is these things and so much more. I’m humbled and honored to be able to journey alongside him in this adventure we call ‘life’.
After meeting Henk, I could see why the Lord has placed him in Rebecca’s life. An honorable man who absolutely adores her- he brings out the best in his bride, and comes alive doing it. Here is his story:
“If there is something like “divinely orchestrated marriage” then I believe that it is a holy and unapproachable gift from God. Truly speaking, it is a mystery to me! I feel like a dead man when I hug Rebecca. I am dead to loneliness and alive to love. I want to remember that the way I treat her directly reflects my knowledge of the divine. I want to remember to call for grace, if because of any challenges I face, I feel misunderstood and in my stupidity, reject Rebecca for a moment. I understand that marriage and relationships in general can be painful, but the reward of losing myself for the sake of including her will always surpass the pain by at least a million times. The fact is, I wasn’t created for my own sake and the thought of taking care of Rebecca reminds me of my purpose in life. Rebecca is my best friend. I don’t believe that Rebecca and I were created for each other’s divine fulfillment, but I am convinced that we are the only ones whose personalities were precision cut to be a family for each other. A family of love, grace, honour and joy.”
Becks and Henk- may your marriage always be a testimony of God’s goodness, faithfulness and majesty! It was so great being able to spend this very special day with you guys and I pray only God’s richest blessings over your marriage. Thank you for being the wonderful examples that you are of His love, grace and joy. Love you lots xxx

Die Allerbesten Glückwünsche zu eurer Hochzeit!
Lieber Henk, ich freue mich total, dass du eine so wunderschöne Frau gefunden hast die du liebst, die dich liebt , dich begleitet und für dich da ist!!
Und wie ich an den Bildern erkenne war das eine echte traumhochzeit!!
Ich wünsche Euch zu Eurer Hochzeit alles erdenklich Gute, bleibt ein Leben lang so glücklich und verliebt, wie Ihr es heute seid.
Liebe allein versteht das Geheimnis, andere zu beschenken und dabei selbst reich zu werden.
(Clemens von Brentano)
Liebe Grüße aus Kärnten Monika (Du kennst mich von Salzburg….ich hab den Lobpreis gemacht)
what spectacular photos!
very representative of a magnificent, beautiful wedding with an unabashed and happy
bride and groom.
it’s like looking through the lens of a movie…
thank you so much lindy.